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"Music is the language of the heart without words."
Studio News!

Winter Recital
On Sunday, January 26 we had our annual Winter Recital. It was wonderful to once again witness the efforts of these young violinists...

From Matsumoto, Japan to Cumming, Georgia

Holiday Cheers for the Elderly!
Our annual "Holiday Cheers for the Elderly" concert was held on December 23 at Cumming Health and Rehab in Cumming. What a joy it is to...

Holiday Music from Around the World!
Our violin group, a collaboration effort between the Violin Studios of Corina Brito and Mayu Sommovigo, was back at Sharon Forks Library...

All State Orchestra First Audition
So, so proud of Abhiram, Emily Anne, Lasya and Prathika for doing all the work necessary to perform well during the first audition of All...

Fall Break Filled With Music
Like everyone else I was looking forward to FoCo Fall Break. While some of my studio families were planning trips I was planning to catch...

The joys of group lesson
It has been a joyful ride to join forces with Ms. Mayu Sommovigo's studio for group lessons once a month. The students enjoy making music...

Honoring the memory of Roland "Buddy" Huthmaker.
My studio has had the privilege of having a connection with Huthmaker Violins for many years. The Huthmaker family has every...

Suzuki Book 1 Graduation Recital
What a joyful occasion it was to celebrate Prathika's book 1 graduation recital yesterday. Friends and family showed up to support...

Saying good-bye to a beautiful family.
As teachers we inevitably tend to get attached to our students. As a violin teacher, who develops a very close physical and emotional...

Fun music making
Sometimes the recital date conflicts with things that are out of our control like when a few students get sick, while others had to leave...

Group Recital/Picnic at Lake Lanier
On May 11 we had our Group Recital/Picnic at Lake Lanier. It was a glorious day. We played games, improvised, parents played the bow...

Watching the magic of "Allegro"
On April 20 we had the wonderful opportunity of watching the magical concert of "Allegro", the youth performance group from Chicago...

Four students shining at their orchestra concert
Congratulations to Abhiram, Emily Anne, Lasya and Prathika on your outstanding concert this past weekend with the Atlanta Festival Youth...

Students soloing with their youth orchestra.
Congratulations to Emily Anne and Lasya for their solo with the Atlanta Festival Youth Orchestras this past weekend. What a joy to see...

Prathika participates in UFO Day!
Our studio was represented in the middle school orchestra of United Forsyth Orchestra Day on February 27 by Prathika. What a wonderful...

Emily Anne at UFO Day!
Emily Anne was invited to perform for the elementary school orchestra at United Forsyth Orchestra - UFO Day on February 27. The young and...

SAGA Suzuki Graduation
Emily Anne and Prathika participated in the official SAGA Suzuki Graduation on February 15 at UGA in Athens, GA. It was a wonderful...

Emily Anne shines at the "Stars of Gwinnett" Talent Show
Studio student Emily Anne was invited to participate with the Rotary Club at “The Stars of Gwinnett” talent show on Thursday, 2/8 where...

All State Orchestra 2024!
So proud of Lasya, who has passed all the auditions and qualified for All State Orchestra for the past three years!
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